April 16, 2007
Prayer Team,
First and foremost let me say thank you for your willingness to support us in this endeavor. God is doing amazing things, and I am so excited that all of you are a part. Just writing this letter is an exciting event for me, as it is, in many ways, the first tangible step on this process to launching a new church. God has taken Casey and me on such a journey since we first spoke to our pastor in California, Stan Wilson, about this nearly 4 years ago. So many trials that I would have never imagined or hoped for, but now, looking back, God's hand is so evident in it all. I had so much that needed to be worked through in me, and God, in His wisdom and timing, took the time to do that. As I write this, I feel the need to share some of what God has done in us over these last few years. We left California on top of the world. We were sent out with such love and support anything seemed possible, and I was sure it was all going to happen spectacularly and fast! God knew that wasn't to be. He took me through a time of humbling, discovering true brokenness and cleaning out a lot of pride that I had let creep into my heart. He also reminded me of the depth of truth in Job's cry "the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
I used to sing the song by Matt Redman in which he takes this very verse and uses it as a source of worship, and I didn't like it at all. I used to think about how depressing it was (how small of me!). Then God took me into the valley after our move to North Carolina. It was in that valley that God revealed the source of this verse, and He allowed me to learn how to worship Him from that place. It's all His, we have to learn to worship Him where ever we find ourselves. What a place of freedom! I'm still learning this lesson, and most likely will be all of my life, but it sure works wonders on the pride! Throughout this time God also had to allow me to learn to stand on His promises. We knew we were called to the Charlotte area, but I so often allowed myself to doubt and worry that nothing was ever going to move forward. Through some good teaching and some good prayer (thanks Pastor Farrell, George and MeMaw) I was led to the story of the Israelite spies in the Promised Land. They lost sight of God's promise that the land would be theirs in the sight of obstacles that seemed impossible to overcome, and God punished them for it. I was guilty of the same thing. I needed to repent of that doubt and move forward on God's promise and His call to this city. What was so interesting through all of this, something I didn't fully grasp until recently, God had slowed many of the thoughts and the drive to get this church plant off the ground. He didn't take the call away, but He put it on the back burner of my mind and heart while He worked in these other areas. Then, as you know, I was recently given this opportunity to come on staff at Grace Covenant to begin to put my full effort into launching a new church. With that opportunity, God has released again the passion and drive for this new church. My mind's racing again about ministry and vision! I didn't realize God had slowed that part of me until it came back recently full force! How exciting God is!
So there is a little back story on where God has brought Casey and me, me especially, along this journey. Now, we are working very intentionally toward getting this new church off the ground. Which leads me to this letter, I told you at the beginning that this was the first tangible step in the process of this church plant. My first goal is to surround myself with a team of prayer warriors. That's why you are receiving this letter. I know this thing will fall exceedingly flat if not covered in prayer. I know God wants to blow the doors off this thing, and I know I can't do that through my own strength. Ephesians 3.20 said God can do more than we can think or imagine. I'll be honest, I can imagine quite a bit! But God wants bigger, and if I limit this whole process to my imagination I've missed God on so many levels. I want an Ephesians 3.20 church! I want God to blow us all away with what He wants to accomplish in the Charlotte region! I need your prayer!! I hope you hear my heart. I want God all over this thing. I want me NOT all over this thing. I want to be used by Him as completely as He wants. I want this new church to be completely His. So that's why I've asked you to come alongside Casey and me in prayer. You may never set foot in this new church, some of you are on the other side of the country, but we desire your prayers desperately and continually. So I'm asking you to commit to praying for Casey and our family and for this new church on a regular, fervent basis.
I would like to continually update all of you on needs and the progress as we move forward. I would prefer to do this via email, as I'm a technology junkie and can get the word out much more quickly and efficiently that way. If I haven't already asked you, can you please send me your email address. My goal is to send out updates on a monthly basis at the minimum and more often as the need arises. Please feel free to share these updates with others you pray with; I would love to expand the network of our Intercessors.
Casey and I are praying for each of you, and we can't begin to express our thanks for your part in what God is doing here.
By His Power,
Ben Eige