Wednesday, May 02, 2007

God's a good case you were wondering

You know how no matter how much God does you always come back to that place of wondering if He is still working? Why do we suck so bad at trusting? Anyway, God spoke to me through several folks over the last week. I'm plugged in to a men's class here at church and I was talking with one of the guys, and he was asking how things were. And I said pretty good, but it's overwhelming sometimes thinking about what's ahead. He pointed me to Ephesians 2.10, "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in ADVANCE for us to do." That was the key, God already has it taken care of. That's powerful stuff really. I'm teaching in that class tonight on faith, and we talk about, we give it lip service, but do we really trust God that He has prepared everything in ADVANCE?
Then on Sunday I was in the Single Adult class, one of my duties during this year. I'll be honest and say I've really been leaning on God about that responsibility. The group is typically a bit older than I am, and I have not really experienced singleness like they have, so the question is there of my viability for the role. God has certainly been working in me and working in them throughout the process. I know I have so much I can learn and gain from all of it. Then on Sunday one of the leaders made a point that she felt God really wanted to make clear that they all come around me during this season to help me better understand single adults and also help me prepare for planting a church. It was powerful! Then another individual said let's pray now! So they came around me, laid hands on me and began to pray. Very cool stuff. God has prepared in advance...He knew where I was and where I am going. Afterward the two leaders came up and shared that they felt like God had told them "what a privilege" to be a part of my ministry now and my preparation for what is ahead. She compared it to Billy Graham's 3rd grade Sunday School teacher seeing what he would become later on. Oh man that's crazy stuff! Anyway, writing to share and also writing to help remind me of God doing His thing and being faithful.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to say AMEN first of all to your title for this particular entry and then to how He revealed this to you in the examples you gave.he is good benjamin...we love you so much and you WILL walk in the fullness of ALL that He has planned and purposed for you, as well as Casey.
there is no limit to His love, purposes and power.
would really love to be when you
get to baptize..what a privilege it is to be a part of that in someones life.
communion also.
be blessed.

May 3, 2007 at 7:23 AM  

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